Yellow crocuses

Heralding Spring (click to enlarge)

I love crocuses. They pop up all over the garden every February, bright and cheerful no matter what the weather might be doing.

Our yellow crocuses come first, followed a week or two later by their paler, but no less beautiful purple cousins. Both serve as a reminder that spring is just around the corner, helping to bring a smile and a lighter step after the wet, dreary months of winter.

Purple and orange crocuses

Springing Up (click to enlarge)

Crocuses are reliable and utterly undemanding. I’ve been way too busy lately to do any cleanup or weeding, but nevertheless, these beautiful little flowers have emerged from the decay of last year’s garden, right on schedule. I won’t have to weed, deadhead, stake or prune them, and even if I never get around to sprinkling any compost or bone meal over them (which I’m sure I won’t), these hardy little delights will return again next year.

Now if only all the other plants in our garden would be so cooperative, I’d have it made.

A reminder: if you’re on Gabriola Island over the next month, I hope you’ll drop in to see my new photography show, “Afloat in the Salish Sea”. It’s at the Gabriola Community Health Centre (691 Church St.), open Mondays through Fridays, 8:30 am to noon, until March 30. 

About Laurie MacBride, Eye on Environment

Photographer focused on nature and nautical on the BC coast

4 responses »

  1. Your wonderful images provides so much hope that spring is on its way, it is around the corner.

  2. Rosemary Neads says:

    Laurie, I just stopped by the medical centre to see your show, and I’m SO impressed! The detail is wonderful, and you have such a good eye. A funny moment–from the end of the room I saw what looked like the tentacle of an octopus…then as I got closer I realized it was actually drops of water on a branch. I had the feeling that if I examined each drop, I might see you and your camera reflected.

    Thanks for sharing

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